Against the Collective Consciousness of the Walking Dead…

  • Impeach New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham!

    She has just handled the COVID crisis abominably, damaging local businesses, compromising civil liberties… Sign this! Note: we did not create this and are not affiliated with the author, we found out about it through the New Mexican. Thank you Carl Jenkins for creating it!

  • Clinton campaign paid to ‘infiltrate’ Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia, Durham finds

    ‘Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.’

  • Funeral Director on COVID-19

    Revealing and rather terrifying video interview with a British funeral director… (November 2021)

  • The Great Big Lie

    Passed along from a friend: “I have recommended, and I earnestly recommend to watch the segment of Fall of the Cabal (the Sequel), number 14, with everyone being ordained to wear masks during the Spanish Flu 100 years ago… Note that the military were inoculated with shots and a great majority of them died from…

  • Steve Pieczenik interview

    Trump saw the election shenanigans coming, and prepared for it. This interview and the accompanying article show former Deputy Secretary of State Pieczenik discussing what’s been going on as of 5 November, 2020. Note that the Natural News article is NOT shareable on Facebook (believe us, we have tried). Steve Pieczenik: “2020 election was a…

  • Roswell, NM City Council Votes Not To Enforce Gov’s Directive

    Full Statement from Council Member Roebuck: We passed two directives at city council tonight 6-4 concerning the Governor’s orders: The City Council of Roswell, New Mexico instructs the City Manager and staff including Roswell Police Department to take no action to enforce Governor’s public health orders relating to the Covid-19 pandemic. The City Council of…

  • COVID-19 False Positives & Flawed Reporting

  • The Coming Technocracy?

    Amazing Polly posted an overview and links to 6 videos she feels give a perspective on what’s behind the current pandemic & riots, in “Technofascist Takeover“: She references these 6 videos: VIDEO: Cartoon Bill:… VIDEO: Patrick Wood, Technocracy coup taking place:… VIDEO: RFK Jr & others speaking in Colorado re mandatory vaccines:……

  • New Mexico contact tracing

    New Mexico contact tracing

    Update: On May 28th, 2020, the state of New Mexico published an updated version of the guidelines which no longer requires restaurants to collect and store this information. They are only required to give patrons the “opportunity” to submit their data. Thanks to everybody who pressured Grisham to change this onerous policy. According to the…

  • Mayor of Grants, NM defies Gov

    Mayor of Grants, NM defies Gov

    Mayor Martin “Modey” Hicks, a Democrat, is standing up to the power-mad overreach of (Democrat) New Mexico governor Lujan-Grisham’s lockdown of business in the state! From the Cibola Citizen: Reopening the city may have legal consequences by Diego LopezGRANTS, N.M. – City of Grants Mayor Martin “Modey” Hicks said that he is not afraid of…

Know any articles we should read?